BABY TEETH is an online literary and arts magazine founded in 2015. Here you’ll find the things you want, the things you have, the things you’re trying to leave behind. We believe that Gen Y has power and we’re here to help you use it. We’re a soapbox to the voiceless.

We aim to rot your teeth, but strengthen the gums that hold them. We want to know how you feel when you hear that one rap song your mom hates. We want to hear your advice to your little sister, what made you embrace your natural hair, that narrative you wrote last night about the old cocoa factory two towns over, your thoughts from the airport. Tell us about the man who served your coffee this morning or the most important thing you learned during your first year of college.

bite down.

We are currently accepting poetry, prose, art, and photography submissions for our inaugural issue: YOUTH, July/August.